Sid Clark's Spirit Box Voices
(Audio only)
The following recordings are the work of English EVP experimenter Sid Clark. Sid considers himself to be an ordinary chap and says he does not believe he has any psychic abilities. For more than a decade, Sid has used a PSB7 Spirit Box and has recorded dozens of clear evp voices, many of which provide instant and accurate answers to his questions and comments. Born in London in 1936, Sid is now 88 years old. Later in life he moved from the capital to an idyllic rural village in the East of England. Over his long life he has worked in manufacturing and as a postman. Sid says that he first began recording evp, after his then teenage daughter noticed an anomalous voice at the end of a cassette recording she had made of a pop song from a vinyl record. A voice said, ‘Did you like that?’ They were perplexed and amazed. He began to research the subject and decided to try to record evp himself, initially gaining positive results by using a digital voice recorder. As well as recording from his home, Sid has visited churches and graveyards across the Eastern Counties and discovered that both at home and in these uniquely ghostly environments, that ‘spirit’ voices could be heard upon playing back his recordings. Since 2012, Sid has recorded using the PSB7 Spirit Box. Using this device, anomalous voices answer his questions and reply to his comments with amazing accuracy and significance. As an experienced evp researcher, I have been amazed and astounded to hear so many good quality, clear and distinct evp’s, which strongly suggest two-way, spirit communication occurring in real time.
In an ideal world, I would have liked to have conducted a thorough investigation into Sid’s work, but so far, I have been unable to verify that the spirit box evp recordings on the cassettes were created the way Sid says they were. There are no filmed recordings of the sessions, there are no witness statements and requests to film and witness Sid using the spirit box were declined on the grounds of his age and health. Sid is 88 years old and he admits that is quite a private person and reclusive. He says he does not feel well enough or motivated enough to meet up with researchers and does not wish to be studied or exposed to media publicity, although he has given his permission for me to write this article about him and to share his recordings. He says that for him, it’s just a fascinating hobby. Sid acknowledges that his wish for privacy might raise suspicions of fakery or fraud, but he insists that he is not a fraud and that the voices recorded on his cassettes were all genuinely produced using his spirit box. Until such time as I am able to further confirm the authenticity of Sid’s spirit box voices, I have to leave it to the reader to listen to the recordings and make up their own minds.